Style 500 Stainless Steel Expansion Joints W / Tie Rods
Item Nº Parts Material Remark
1 Bellows SUS 304 SUS 3116
2 Inner Sleeve SUS 304 SUS 316
3 Tie Rods Carbon Steel
4 Flange Carbon Steel SUS 304
Temperature Range: -90º C to +450º C
Nominal Diameter Total Length Bellows Allowable Movement (mm) Working Pressure
Inch mm Inch mm Φ D mm Corr's No. Max Offset Max Extension Max Compression at 70 F Kg/Cm2
1" 25 4.72 120 41 28 16 10 20 20
1- 1/4" 32 4.72 120 52 26 16 10 20 20
1-1/2" 40 6 150 62 20 16 10 20 20
2" 50 6 150 74 20 16 10 20 20
2- 1/2" 65 6 150 90 20 14 10 20 20
3" 80 6 150 106 12 12 10 20 20
4" 100 6 150 140 10 10 10 20 20
5" 125 6 150 170 10 8 10 20 20
6" 150 6 150 196 9 8 10 20 20
8" 200 8 200 234 8 8 10 20 20
10" 250 8 200 289 7 6 10 20 20
12" 300 8 200 324 6 6 10 20 20
Style 150 Stainless Steel Expansion Joints
Item Nº Parts Material Remark
1 Bellows SUS 304
2 Flange Carbon Steel
3 Inner Sleeve SUS 304
4 Tie Rods Carbon Steel
Temperature Range: -90º C to +450º C
Nominal Diameter Total Lengthmm Bellows (mm) Force to Compress Effective Area Axial Movemenrt Working Pressure
Inch mm mm Φ D Corr's No. Ply kg Cm2 Extended Compressed Kg/cm2
1- 1/2" 40 300 63 20 1 150 19.2 +5 -30 10
2" 50 300 72 18 1 180 32 +5 -30 10
2-1/2" 65 300 94 15 1 280 47.8 +5 -35 10
3" 80 300 106 15 1 260 66.2 +5 -35 10
4" 100 300 138 15 1 280 105.7 +5 -40 10
5" 125 300 168 15 1 400 161.5 +5 -40 10
6" 150 300 197 15 1 600 221.8 +5 -40 10
8" 200 300 235 12 1 650 382.7 +5 -40 10
10" 250 350 290 12 1 750 576.8 +5 -45 10
12" 300 350 354 12 1 850 806.2 +5 -45 10
Los movimientos básicos para los cuales se diseñan los Compensadores de Dilatacion son:
Movimiento Axial. Extensión o compresión del Compensador de Dilatación a lo largo de su ejelongitudinal. anxiety-service-page1
Movimiento Lateral. Dezplazamiento perpendicular de un extremo del Compensador de Dilatación con respecto a su eje longitudinal. anxiety-service-page1
Movimiento Angular. Doblado o curvado de un Compensador de Dilatación con respecto a su eje longitudinal. anxiety-service-page1
Hoja de Datos Compensadores de Dilatación Axiales
Diametro Nominal Movimiento Axial Total Spring Rate Area Efectiva Longitud Total Peso Aprox. Longitud Total Peso Aprox.
15 1/2" 12 62 5 160 0.2 140 1.7
15 1/2" 25 34 5 200 0.3 180 1.8
15 1/2" 50 17 5 350 0.5 280 1.9
20 3/4" 12 50 8 150 0.3 130 2.3
20 3/4" 25 27 8 210 0.4 170 2.4
20 3/4" 50 14 8 340 0.6 260 2.6
25 1" 12 65 11 150 0.4 140 2.7
25 1" 25 36 11 200 0.5 180 2.8
25 1" 50 18 11 330 0.8 270 3.0
25 1" 75 12 11 470 1.1 360 3.0
32 1 1/4" 12 61 18 150 0.5 140 4.0
32 1 1/4" 25 31 18 220 0.7 180 4.0
32 1 1/4" 50 15 18 350 1.1 280 5.0
32 1 1/4" 75 10 18 470 1.5 370 5.0
40 1 1/2" 12 69 22 200 0.8 150 5.0
40 1 1/2" 25 39 22 220 0.8 190 5.0
40 1 1/2" 50 19 22 340 1.3 280 5.0
40 1 1/2" 75 13 22 470 1.7 370 5.0
50 2" 12 153 37 220 1.2 160 6.0
50 2" 25 76 37 250 1.4 210 6.0
50 2" 50 38 37 380 2.1 300 7.0
50 2" 75 25 37 490 2.6 390 7.0
65 2 1/2" 12 103 53 230 2.0 160 8.0
65 2 1/2" 25 62 53 260 2.1 200 8.0
65 2 1/2" 50 31 53 380 2.9 290 8.0
65 2 1/2" 75 21 53 480 4.0 370 9.0
80 3" 12 98 77 240 2.7 170 10.0
80 3" 25 59 77 280 3.0 210 10.0
80 3" 50 29 77 370 4.0 300 11.0
80 3" 70 20 77 510 5.0 400 12.0
100 4" 25 313 124 260 4.0 200 11.0
100 4" 50 169 124 360 6.0 280 13.0
100 4" 75 115 124 150 7.0 360 14.0
100 4" 100 95 124 520 8.0 410 15.0
125 5" 25 744 183 260 6.0 210 15.0
125 5" 50 401 183 360 8.0 290 17.0
125 5" 75 274 183 460 10.0 370 19.0
125 5" 100 227 183 550 12.0 420 20.0
150 6" 25 996 259 270 8.0 220 20.0
150 6" 50 536 259 380 11.0 310 22.0
150 6" 75 367 259 480 15.0 390 25.0
150 6" 100 303 259 580 17.0 450 27.0
200 8" 25 745 433 280 12.0 240 28.0
200 8" 50 474 433 380 17.0 300 30.0
200 8" 75 348 433 450 20.0 360 33.0
200 8" 100 275 433 560 25.0 420 36.0
200 8" 125 227 433 680 30.0 480 38.0
250 10" 25 1093 657 250 15.0 230 38.0
250 10" 50 497 657 390 23.0 330 43.0
250 10" 75 364 657 460 27.0 390 46.0
250 10" 100 288 657 580 33.0 460 50.0
250 10" 125 260 657 670 39.0 490 52.0
300 12" 25 1105 913 260 19.0 250 48.0
300 12" 50 502 913 400 28.0 360 54.0
300 12" 75 368 913 480 33.0 420 59.0
300 12" 100 291 913 600 41.0 490 65.0
300 12" 125 263 913 690 48.0 530 65.0
350 14" 25 912 1102 260 21.0 160 65.0
350 14" 50 415 1102 410 32.0 270 75.0
350 14" 75 204 1102 490 38.0 340 80.0
350 14" 100 240 1102 620 47.0 420 85.0
350 14" 125 217 1102 710 55.0 450 90.0
400 16" 25 1687 1446 290 30.0 200 90.0
400 16" 50 1205 1446 380 39.0 250 95.0
400 16" 75 937 1446 440 44.0 300 100.0
400 16" 100 649 1446 590 59.0 390 110.0
400 16" 125 562 1446 700 70.0 440 115.0
500 20" 25 1858 2220 290 38.0 210 150.0
500 20" 50 1327 2220 380 49.0 260 160.0
500 20" 75 1032 2220 440 56.0 310 165.0
500 20" 100 715 2220 590 75.0 410 175.0
500 20" 125 619 2220 700 90.0 460 185.0
600 24" 25 1980 3159 290 46.0 2202 15.0
600 24" 50 1414 3159 380 60.0 270 225.0
600 24" 75 1100 3159 440 70.0 320 235.0
600 24" 100 761 3159 590 90.0 410 250.0
600 24" 125 660 3159 700 110.0 460 255.0
700 28" 25 2752 4271 300 60.0 230 230.0
700 28" 50 1966 4271 390 80.0 280 240.0
700 28" 75 1529 4271 450 95.0 330 255.0
700 28" 100 1058 4271 600 125.0 430 275.0
700 28" 125 917 4271 710 150.0 400 290.0